About Cosmindie™


We’re building the best next-generation interactive music platform for musicians, managers, and fans everywhere.


  • Founded in 2020
  • Raise $1M+ in funding
  • Active Community
  • Geographic Expansion
  • User Growth

A Space for Every Independent Musician’s Finest Creations

We believe independent musicians and the music they create are some of the most intriguing and authentic expressions of art. What they lack in major label support, they make up for with raw talent, innovation, and heart. For these artists, we’ve built a cutting-edge platform that celebrates creativity, community, and musical independence.As a company founded by music enthusiasts, we are passionate about crafting top-notch experiences for our users and their fans. We do things differently — in a way we believe is the right way — and that has earned us titles like ‘unconventional’ and ‘unique,’ labels we wear with pride.

The story of how we got started on Cosmindie™

It all began as a dream to support independent music artists, helping them break barriers in their career growth. We envisioned a platform that would empower these talented individuals, providing them with the tools and opportunities they needed to thrive in the competitive music industry.
Through dedication and innovation, we’ve transformed this dream into reality. Our platform now stands as a beacon of hope for independent musicians, offering them a unique space to showcase their talents, connect with their audience, and achieve the recognition they deserve.
Together, we’re rewriting the story of independent music, one breakthrough at a time.

Time Line

This is our history:

September, 2015

The founder initiated an online radio venture where, via a music studio, independent musicians were invited to share their music through live broadcast.

January, 2017

The concept of an online radio broadcasting live music from a studio evolved into the creation of the first app prototype, where musicians create profiles and share their content.

January, 2020

After overcoming numerous obstacles and searching for the right resources to launch the app, the MVP is developed and successfully tested in the market.

July, 2023

A brand design, a complete app redesign, and the addition of new functionalities were implemented to enhance the user experience.

March, 2024

After an extensive creation and development process, the app is launched into the market to change the independent music game.

Our team

The Dream team, we grow stronger everyday.

We are always
looking to expand

If there are any vacancies related to your career, please contact us
and join our exciting startup.