Choose a plan that's
right for you

Discover how Cosmindie™ can boost your music career, your music, connect with fans and access exclusive opportunities.
USD / user / month
Up to 1 member
Up to 4 distribution networks
  • Interactive profile
  • Upload unlimited songs
  • Distribute to social networks
  • Your music in playlists
  • Promote your content
  • Make a work plan
  • Chat messages
  • Ad free
  • Customer service
USD / user / month
Up to 10 members, 2 managers
Up to 16 distribution networks
  • Everything from Basic and Lite
  • Allow to finance your projects
  • Sell tickets to your events
  • Offer your musical services
  • Let them hire you
  • Receive sponsorships in chats
USD / user / month
Up to 5 members, 1 managers
Up to 16 distribution networks
  • Everything from Lite
  • Distribute to music stores
  • 100% Music royalties
  • Content statistics
  • Get sponsorships
  • Distribute and receive income
  • Withdraw to your bank
  • Schedule releases
  • Certified artist
USD / user / month
Up to 100,000 registered artists
Up to 16 distribution networks
  • Interactive profile
  • Public portfolio
  • Finance projects and earn royalties
  • Statistics of your artists
  • Distribute and receive income
  • Withdraw to your bank
  • Promote content
  • Make a work plan
  • Chat messages
  • Ad free
  • Customer service
USD / user / month
  • Interactive home
  • Artists page
  • Industry news
  • Most recent official videos
  • Create playlists
  • Download songs
  • Follow profiles
  • Sponsor your favorites
  • Chat messages
  • See upcoming events
  • Get musical services
  • Hire for your concerts
  • Ad free
  • Customer service


Questions and Answers

How can I Beta on the platform?

Signing up is easy. Simply download our app or visit our website and follow the registration instructions.

What's the difference between the free and premium versions?

With the Pro version, you get additional features like advanced statistics and featured promotion.
The Lite version offers basic benefits.

Can I make money on the platform?

Yes, you can earn money through royalties from your music, fan sponsorships, and more.
Check our income options in your profile.

Can I promote my music on the platform?

Absolutely! You can upload and promote your music to reach new listeners and fans.

How can I contact other artists or managers?

Use our messaging feature to communicate with other platform users, whether they're artists, managers, or fans.

How can I download the mobile app?

Our app is available on the App Store and Google Play Store. Search for it as "Cosmindie".